Check Your Attitude To Gratitude
Check Your Attitude To Gratitude
If you constantly focus on what you don’t have, you will keep experiencing the relentless futility of “not-enough”. No matter how hard you wish and hope and dream and vision and choose … an attitude of “not-enough” will simply produce more of the same.
In the paradigm of cause: I Create The Whole Of My Own Reality, the most critical distinction to get is that you create ALL of what is so … the happy and sad, the up and the down, the “good” and the “bad” … all of it, everything, the whole.
Yet when it comes to gratitude, you tend to focus on what you like, what you enjoy, what you find pleasing, what feels “good” and thus out of hand reject being grateful for the pain and sorrow, the suffering and misery … all the stuff you don’t like and then you judge it as not ok and thus not worthy of your gratitude or your thanks.
The more you resist being grateful for the whole, the more you experience lack and wanting and needing and never being truly satisfied.
When you are willing to accept the whole of your own reality as your creation, when you take the position that everything you create has a purpose and is worth being grateful for, when you give thanks for the all, you will transform your experience of yourself and your world.
As the year comes to a close I am truly grateful for all that I have caused and experienced this past year. It has been extremely challenging and very rewarding in both expected and unexpected ways. Some of the greatest gifts I have received this year have come wrapped in conflict and fierce, explosive conversations … and through it all I have experienced the fullness of my feelings and the peace that comes as I accept the whole of my own reality as my creation and give thanks … not just for what has manifest but also for myself as creator and for having the ability to respond from love.
Thank you each and everyone of you for being in my life. Thank you for your honesty and love, for your vulnerability and willingness to call me forth out of love. I am truly blessed to know you.
Wishing you and yours a very jolly holiday time and may 2016 bring you peace and love.

Gratitude turns everything into a gift