Where Are You Leading? A Letter To ALL Leaders
Where Are You Leading? A Letter To ALL Leaders
You just don’t get it yet … do you?
If you had any self-awareness or any real desire to be truly responsible you would realise that all your thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours have an enormous impact and influence on what goes on around you.
No matter how you spin it or frame it – the way YOU show up is perfectly reflected in what is actually happening in your business, your political party, your family, your community and your world. So how’s it working?
When you are leading from a context of FEAR, when that is where YOU are coming from, all you do is continue to lead people further into fear. And that just breeds more fearful behaviours and consequences that you then react to with fearful controlling policies and rules which in turn breeds more fear and the game continues.
But you just don’t get it …
Because if you did, you would STOP behaving so badly and step-up and actually lead from your loving heart and your compassionate mind, instead of your fear-filled ego-centric idea of who you think you should be to protect your position.
You would remember that you came here to BE the most magnificent you that you can be whatever you do and wherever you go.
Well I will not accept that the best you can BE and DO is what’s showing up today.
I watch question time in our Australian Federal Parliament and am amazed at, and ashamed of, your behaviour. Your communication is appallingly self-serving … having very little regard for actually responding to the questions/issues that are put to you by your colleagues and your opponents – all fellow human beings.
The relentless in-fighting, name-calling and disrespect that you engage in is insidiously reflected in our society in a myriad of ways from the toxic culture of bullying we experience in our families, schools, communities, business environments and sporting arenas to the corporate greed and “I win, you lose” money-grabbing tactics displayed by people in powerful positions all over the world.
Well (to use an old political slogan) … It’s Time!
Time to remember we are all connected, we are one planet, one universe – all the same at our very heart. Time to step-up and show up and lead from LOVE.
I urge you to pay attention to what’s really going on, to open up, tell the truth, be responsible and choose to BE the change you wish to see in the world.
My life is an indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another … My life is my message.