An Experience Over Which I Will Never Get …

24 May 2022

I first heard this after a particularly powerful personal development seminar I attended in 1983.

I didn’t get it.
I just thought it was bad grammar!

Since then I have had numerous experiences that have shown me time and time again what it means … to me.

And nothing I have ever experienced comes close to last weekend.

It was an experience so powerful, so deep and so profoundly loving that it blew my mind.

I had the great honour and privilege to facilitate a client Leadership Retreat over 3 days, with 40 people (mostly men) in the rainforest … in the pouring rain.

My client (coach, colleague and friend) gave me the space and permission to BE all that I am and to DO whatever I chose to DO in Love. Another client/coach (buddy and colleague) held the space in the room and assisted me with everything from tissues to hugs.

I chose to create a liminal space where everyone could make the choice to open up, let go and accept, allow and appreciate all of WHO THEY ARE … whatever happened.

I focussed on BEING rather than doing, a truly ontological space of remembering WHO I AM and WHO YOU ARE and it was wonderful.

I let go of having to do anything in particular or prove anything, or make anything happen and allowed myself to BE there fully … open hearted and willing to say what I saw, to share what I know without any attachment to being right.

The more I opened up and told my truth, the more each and every person there did the same. Old wounds were acknowledged, feelings felt and expressed and then….enormous relief and endless love filled the space time and time again.

I was humbled and moved by each and every beautiful, messy human in the room, myself included.

It took a willingness to feel uncomfortable, courage to sit in the discomfort and the choice to let the energy move and release … and boy oh boy … we did it wholeheartedly!

Blessed I am to BE who I am and DO what I do.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love Lorna

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  1. Matt

    It was an amazing amazing life changing weekend and I will be forever grateful being part of the weekend. Thank you so so much Lorna for being you.

  2. Rebecca D’Angelo

    Thank you Lorna for being YOU and holding the space for me to be ME! It was an amazing weekend.. one that is lingering on to my everyday life/. Thank you so much for helping me remember.. I’ll be in contact soon so I can remember some more. Much love.. Rebecca


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