Sharing The Love
A few weeks ago a client sent me an email telling me that the work we had done together was having an impact at home – in particular with her 12 year old daughter Lexi and her blog site called Oz Tween Talk. When I logged onto the site, I was blown away. Here is a “tween” spreading the essential message of love yourself, tell the truth and be responsible to her peer group through affirmations, poems, her own insights, clear suggestions and supportive commentary.
I wanted to know more about this self aware tween and I also wanted to see if there was any way I could help get the word out there to more young people. When I talked to Lexi she told me that she got the original idea of writing a blog for tweens when she discovered that there just aren’t many forums for young people to really talk about how they feel about themselves and the things that are really going on and she wanted to do something to help. When I asked what kind of help she told me that young people need to step-back and look at things differently and not get so frustrated about the things that don’t really matter. Lexi says young people need to realise that although everything is not always perfect, you can live a worry-free life if you choose. Lexi believes that having a positive outlook and attitude is very important and she encourages her peer group to actively love and appreciate who they are right now through her colourful and engaging blog. She also acknowledged that her Mum had been very helpful and supportive in getting it up and running and although she doesn’t have a large following…yet(!) it’s out there. How cool is that!
Check out Oz Tween Talk …
Let’s face it … the sooner you realise that loving yourself is the real key to peace and happiness, the sooner you let go of seeking approval, validation, acceptance or agreement from outside yourself and start living an authentic life being who you are – beautiful, valuable, lovable powerful and unlimited. I am delighted that Lexi is sharing her self love with her friends. Please share the love with your tweens and family and friends.

Give to the world to receive the world.
That’s how the universe works.
To get something you need to give something.