Trust That When You Know, You Know

22 May 2023

Last October, I was asked to participate in a collaborative book project by Jenny McFadden, the leader of our Soul Circle, a group of amazing, powerful women who meet regularly to share, challenge, support, love and nurture each other to BE all we can BE in the world.

As soon as Jenny asked me to contribute a chapter to our group’s book “The Seed of Intuition” I knew this was perfect for me. I was excited and a bit nervous and yet I knew I could and would do this.

Pretty simple really … it’s a book about intuition so I will just trust my knowing/my intuition to write this.

Then we had our first group zoom meeting with Steph Ritz and I realised that this project and process was not going to be what I was expecting! There were weekly zoom sessions, worksheets, proofreading and editing deadlines and of course the writing itself. Wow! My mind went nuts … I do not write or work this way and I began feeling overwhelmed by how much there was to do, how little time, how hard it was going to be for me to stick to such a rigid schedule and on and on.

So after a bit of internal drama … I reminded myself that I am creating the whole of my own reality and I can trust what I know. My feelings are not facts, they are there to be felt … so stop, take a deep breath, and let the energy-in-motion move and release … breathe and let go and let the process unfold as it will.

The next step was to share with the group how I was feeling and how I saw the process unfolding for me. What I received was unequivocal support to do it my way. Steph was very clear that her role was to support me to put me on the page and however I did that was perfect.

What a relief. I had 4 months to get my chapter written. Plenty of time.

I chose once again, to trust my process and trust my knowing and trust I would write 3,500 words on Intuition by Feb 28.

By the time I went on holidays in early January, I was feeling a tad anxious … although I had planned to write while away, I had not written one word and I still had no clear idea, no “ah-hah … that’s it!” moment. Nothing, nada, emptiness …

So keep trusting … keep breathing and let go of what you think you should be doing, stay present and let it come.

I did and it did!

When I knew it was time to write, I sat down and 4 hours later had written my 3,500 words. The process flowed with very little editing or rewriting, and I am still high-fiving myself for what I have created in collaboration with this group of beautiful souls.

Today, May 22, 2023 “The Seed of Intuition” is live on Amazon, ready to buy!

The Seed of Intuition | Lorna Patten

To give our book the best start in life, the optimum time to purchase it is between 9am and 11am AEST TODAY (22 May)

The current time is:

And you can also get “The Seed of Pure Potential” and “The Seed of Destiny”, which make up the three books in “The Seed Series” by Steph Ritz.

Steph is a world-renowned writing coach and publisher who is known for turning what you’re saying into what you meant to say. She guides you to voice your passions with words that change the world.

Yes she does. Thank you Steph. Your gentle touch and firm guidance are gratefully received.

And to my soul sisters: Jenny, Lee, Louise, Agnes, Sorcha, Linda, Rosa, and Pat, thank you for Being, for your support, insights, encouragement, and love.

Enjoy “The Seed of Intuition”.

Love Lorna

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