What Are You Responsible For?
Every human being, irrespective of race, colour or creed, has the right to enjoy loving and nurturing relationships. Yet many relationships are torn apart by conflict because you look to the other or others to change so you can have what you want. It doesn’t work (just look at the world stage!) and it never will. Time for a different choice:
Declaration of Personal Responsibility for Relationships
- I am responsible for loving and being loved.
- I am responsible for expressing my truth and being heard.
- I am responsible for being happy and experiencing joy in my life.
- I am responsible for being safe in all aspects of my life.
- I am responsible for being the best me I can be every day.
- I am responsible for being respectful and being respected.
- I am responsible for trusting and being trustworthy.
- I am responsible for my own satisfaction and fulfilment.
- I am responsible for giving and receiving.
- I am responsible for ensuring all my needs are met.
- I am responsible for everything I feel.
- I am responsible for making time to nurture myself and my relationships.
- I am responsible for my own sexuality and safe expression.
- I am responsible for acknowledging my uniqueness and individuality.
- I am responsible for my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
- I am responsible for sharing myself and my experiences with others.
- I am responsible for determining my own values and fulfilling them.
- I am responsible for my own growth and development.
- I am responsible for the effect that I cause in all my relationships.
- I am responsible for everything in my life, my world and my universe.
You are responsible for the quality of all your relationships. When you take responsibility for yourself and how you show up in relationship to everyone and everything you are actively participating in creating a world at peace.