Are You Tuned In?
Over the past few weeks I have been attending a workshop exploring energy and the extraordinary power each of us possess to heal ourselves and others with love.
The basic premise of the workshop is that we are all energy; everything is energy and at our core is our own heart, the main generator of loving energy. Our ability to have our own generator fully operational is primarily dependent on being open, aware, responsible, loving and tuned into the highest frequency for guidance – the frequency of love.
Simple really … and as with everything on the growth path – not so easy to do. What it takes is first and foremost acceptance of who you really are and what’s possible when you stay tuned into the universal radio station manned by God or Life-force or Source or whatever you call it – essentially it’s the energy of creation and that is love.
So how do you tune in and stay tuned in? Keep your circuits clear of disturbance – stress, worry, fear all create static in the energy field, static that interferes with a clear signal. Let go of the past, stop focussing on the future and get hip to where you are in each moment. Stop and breathe, long and often. Be here now. Listen to the voice of love; not the silver tongued voice of fear. Look after yourself – your whole self – mind, body and spirit – in the best way you can. Laugh often and out loud, smile and breathe and be with whatever is happening. Observe the energy rather than get caught up in the content and remember you are the most magnificent, powerful, valuable, lovable being on the planet.
When you stay tuned into the frequency of love, everything that appears to be a problem becomes an opportunity to respond from your own loving heart no matter what is going on. When you practice loving as your first response everything that is not love is transformed and wellbeing is assured.
Tune into that.
stay tuned to the station
don’t slip off the dial
the information you seek
will come in a while
stay firm on the ground
while learning to fly
don’t hang around
or wait to get by
hook up to the godforce
let yourself know
you are the real source
you are the flow
healing will happen
it wants to occur
the stuff that just napping
comes right to the fore
it may be quite sticky
suffering will abide
release it is certain
set comfort aside
no more blanket to stifle
the truthseeking soul
opened up to the wonder
of where you can go
when letting love flow
while creating anew
stay tuned to the station
see what comes through
Dearest Lorna,today's explicit concepts is so perfect in its simplicity. I already know in my heart what is written, but this is such a perfectly articulated reminder!
Quite alot is happening for me at the moment, and this is a perfect road map for navigating at this time and at all times.
Thanks so much.
All Love