Everything IS Connected
WOW! 2011 certainly has brought some unexpected and unprecedented happenings to all the “… passengers on spaceship Earth …” (thank you Buckminster Fuller).
I have been pondering the deeper meaning of recent events and decided to share with you some of what I have found:
From www.highway7.com – what this 2011 Year of the Rabbit is about:
“According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings a year in which you can catch your breath and calm your nerves in a world that’s full of destructive forces.
2011 Metal Rabbit is a time for the people – the people have collective wisdom and resolve and great strength in numbers. Go quietly amid the noise and haste, but be ready. It is a time for planning, negotiation, regrouping and strategy.
As an individual, or as a group, don’t try to force issues in 2011… To gain the greatest benefits from this time, focus calmly on a plan B and be prepared for great structural changes in the economy and policy making at all levels.
In 2011, be aware and plan carefully for momentous events, but maintain your focus on home, family, security, diplomacy, and your relationships with women and children, for they are the way.
Make it your goal to create a safe, peaceful lifestyle for yourself, those you love and for your extended community in harmony with the environment, so you will be able to calmly deal with any problems that may arise.”
My take on this? Step back, take a breath and let go. Remember who you are and what really matters and choose to live in love – be loving, do loving action and when in doubt…ask “What would love do now?”
And for another perspective on what’s really going on with mother nature and on our glorious planet Earth, read what Carolyn Myss had to say last week in her piece “Understanding Our Relationship To The Earth”.
Thank you Carolyn … you nailed it for me.
I am putting my loving soul to work … how about you?

Now it is one thing to BE love – and quite another to do something loving. The soul longs to do something about what it is, in order that it might know itself in its own experience. So it will seek to realise its highest idea through action.
Thank you Lorna, I reflect also on the events so far in 2011, there's a real sense of the displacement & loss many people have experienced. I know this feeling, at times I have felt incredible fear. When I let go & find my soul again.. peace & love are there waiting for me, saying what took you so long!