Jerry Seinfeld’s 3 Rules For Life

11 December 2007

When I heard Jerry Seinfeld talk about his “3 Rules For Life” (he was in Australia recently) I was inspired by his deeper distinctions. Now you get to read my interpretation of what he communicated: Enjoy!

1. “Bust Your Ass”

This particularly American turn of phrase that could be interpreted as simply “go hard” and do the most you can do. However I believe if you look deeper it actually holds a key to peace and joy no matter what’s going on. In the context of “I create the whole of my own reality” it also means to get fully involved, it means putting your whole self fully into whatever choices you are making and fully experiencing whatever you experience. It means responding from your whole self and being fully present.

2. “Pay Attention”

Again, this often-heard phrase (particularly in relation to school!) could be interpreted to mean simply “stop daydreaming and get with it” and in one way that’s spot on. And it says, “wake up!”, become aware of what’s really going on, the whole of what’s occurring, not just what’s obvious. It means get connected in consciousness with the world around you and the people in it and notice what’s really happening. It means invest yourself in the moment and be here now.

3. “Fall In Love”

The most obvious interpretation is “…with that special someone…” and a deeper cut allows you to see the fullest application of this cool rule in all of your life. Enjoy every moment, fully and completely. Savour every experience and when you have a peak experience, acknowledge it, revel in it and celebrate no matter what it is. Jerry Seinfeld cited having “…a GREAT cup of coffee..” and letting everyone around you know how you are feeling: “ I am having a GREAT cup of coffee right now!” Simple and powerful.

As 2007 draws to a close, remember these 3 simple rules and enjoy the festive season however you choose to celebrate. It has been a wonderful year for me in every way and I am so grateful to be me, here now, living the life I choose. I am blessed to have so many friends, advocates, supporters and mates. Thank you.

Love Lorna

It’s a great life if you don’t reason

Florence Scovel Shinn (1928)


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