Invest in Consciousness

Invest in Consciousness

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Have you ever considered that one of the best investments you could make is investing in your own consciousness? What does “investing in consciousness” mean? Listen to my video and you may realise that it is time to put your soul to work!

Investing In Consciousness

Investing In Consciousness

Whatever your current investment strategy (or lack thereof), the single most effective investment you can make right now is your investment in your own consciousness.

No matter what your choice of occupation, relationship status, financial situation or feelings – investing in consciousness will return abundant riches … not necessarily in the ways you think but rather in the most powerful and fulfilling ways for your own evolution.

There is no time like the present moment to dive deep into the waters of your own awareness and consciousness … to become aware of what is happening right before you and in you, deep underneath the noise of day-to-day existence. With so much chaos and disruption playing out on the world stage, now is the time to stop … step back … take a breath and ask yourself: “What’s really going on?” then be still and be aware and you will become conscious of more than you know right now. And the more you take the time to stop … and breathe … the more aware you will become and on it goes.

This is really quite simple … nothing too complex or complicated about stopping … and sitting … and breathing … and allowing … and becoming aware … yet the ego centric voice within will resist and you may find yourself too busy to stop; too engaged in what’s happening to step outside your mind and reflect on the whole; too tired or too energised or any one of a number of good and solid reasons why you just “can’t”!

Simple isn’t necessarily comfortable or easy. Simple challenges our competitive need to achieve through complexity and effort and winning. Becoming conscious of who you are and what’s really going on is challenging and confronting and relentlessly wonderful. It requires boldness and a willingness to open yourself up, to be uncomfortable, to not know and go there anyway, to immerse yourself in the wonder and mystery of BEING all of everything and in so doing, realising everything is all of you.

Love Lorna

In its highest expression, the evolutionary impulse is experienced as the awakening of a desire to evolve at the level of consciousness itself. It is the deeply felt urge to rise up, to reach toward perfection. And it is also a nagging and relentless existential discomfort, a sense that I must find a way to become more conscious.

Andrew Cohen

People Behaving “Badly”

People Behaving “Badly”

What’s going on in the world today? Why are so many people showing up behaving in ways that are completely antithetical to who we really are?

On a global scale we are witnessing ongoing conflicts and wars in many regions, people killing each other and being killed. On a local level we are witnessing increasing violence and deaths – on the roads, from drugs and alcohol abuse and the systemic physical, emotional and mental abuse occurring in many communities and families. Then we have the insidious “little” things that people keep doing … lying, cheating, stealing, running away and denying responsibility for their actions and the consequences. We see it with our political leaders (Question Time In Parliament anyone?), with our business leaders and in our own selves.

Is it just the “human condition” (as someone recently assured me it really is!) or is there something going on that invites and encourages man’s inhumanity to man?

Well I think that ‘bad” behaviour comes from unconsciousness, disconnection and lack of awareness of who we really are and the fact that as human beings we are all connected. We are all brothers and sisters under the skin and the fact that we are being human is what makes us all the same. The notion of “us and them” is a divisive belief system guaranteed to foster fear of differences and the need to be right. It’s this very notion that keeps us stuck in conflict and polarity, fighting for what we believe is “right” and “good” against those we judge as “wrong’, “bad” etc. The problem with this belief system is that no one ever really “wins”. It’s a relentless paradigm of power and control offering no sustainable peaceful outcome. As long as we continue to see ouseleves as separate from each other we will continue to behave in fearful ways resulting in painful and inhumane behaviours.

The simple solution in this new paradigm of ultimate cause is to wake yourself up! and remember who you are … magnificent, lovable, valuable, powerful, creative being able to choose. Simple and not so easy. It requires discipline and practise … and constant conscious reminding that you have a choice about how you show up, how you think and feel and behave in every moment no matter what went before. When you accept that you are love and so is everyone else, that you are connected to everyone and everything all of the time … when you decide to live your life every day with this awareness you will experience the joy and wonder of being at peace while doing what you know from love.

Love Lorna

A very effective way to become conscious of Being is simply to take the focus of your attention away from thinking and direct it into the body, where Being can be felt as the invisible energy field that gives life to what you perceive as the physical body.

Eckhart Tolle

Being Grounded!

Being Grounded!

Don’t you just love Mother Nature? She certainly knows how to get everyone’s attention and when she’s angry, she lets us know! Take the latest natural disaster to affect the world: Iceland’s erupting Eyjafjallajokull volcano. (And no, I can’t pronounce it either!)

The impact has been significant for people all over the world – from stranded passengers to airlines (and many other businesses) losing vast amounts of money to whole countries (like Kenya) in fiscal jeopardy because they are unable to sell/export perishables like fruit, vegetables and flowers before they rot.One of the hardest things for people to deal with in a situation like this is how to make sense of it when there is no one to blame or make wrong. How do you see the benefit or value in a situation that seems random and unfair and with no known end or outcome assured?

One of the hardest things for people to deal with in a situation like this is how to make sense of it when there is no one to blame or make wrong. How do you see the benefit or value in a situation that seems random and unfair and with no known end or outcome assured?

Well, I look at what is going on from at least two viewing platforms – my personal perspective and my world view – and ask myself: “What is the benefit in this, what is the gift, what is really going on here?”.

From my personal perspective, the benefit for me in this event happening now is that I am not travelling much at all this year. I made a decision last year to stop all long-haul travel (more than 3 hours) for a while. And I am glad I did! I am happy to stay on the ground and use the available technology to stay connected. I also feel that a strong message for me is “Stay put, stay grounded and trust the process”. So rather than wonder and worry about when it’s going to end, I choose to stop, take a breath and remember that whatever is happening is always perfect and that things will change and keep changing.

From my world view, what’s really going on here is that I feel that we are being asked to wake up from our self-involved slumber and become aware that everything is connected; to accept that whatever happens to you, has an impact on me and that the way to create peace and harmony is to co-operate with each other with loving kindness rather than fighting out of righteous anger and fear. And when things like this happen, we do step-up and help each other, we do co-operate rather than compete and we get through.

Like I said, gotta love Mother Nature!

Love Lorna

Everything is part of everything else. There is nothing which does not belong.
Perfection is everywhere, in everything, all the time … no matter how you feel about it.

You’re Overreacting!

You’re Overreacting!

How you are never upset for the reason you think you are.

Overreacting. You know what I mean. That moment when someone says or does something or something happens and you find yourself in the midst of an intense, overpowering, emotionally, charged full-blown reaction! A reaction that seems disproportionate to the situation – yup, you’re overreacting!

Have you ever wondered why it’s called overreacting?

Because you are reacting to something from the past, to something that is over. Reacting now as if it’s happening again – reacting now to something that is as over as yesterday yet you are still emotionally attached to it. That’s why you over-react. Because you have not yet fully responded to (or released) whatever it was in the past, the subconscious memory of which is being triggered in the present and – wham! The emotional maelstrom starts.

So next time you find yourself overreacting, ask yourself “What’s really going on here?”; “What does this really mean to me?”; “When have I felt like this before?” and listen to yourself. You’ll know when you get to the source of your upset, and then you can respond – this means acknowledging what’s really upsetting you, dealing with it and letting it go. Respond, release and move on.

Love Lorna

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