Choosing To Open Up

Choosing To Open Up

Being open is not really hard … it just feels that way sometimes … and being open is simply necessary when you choose to live authentically and boldly as yourself.

So why does it seem so hard to open up, particularly when you feel something uncomfortable?

Because when you open up, not only are you choosing to allow others to see inside you but also to let things out … what you really think and feel, what you really want and desire, beyond your fearful ego-mind’s insidious need to protect and defend by withholding your deeper emotional truth.

Opening up to yourself requires a willingness to reveal to yourself who you really are and what’s really going on at any point in time. It is a process of unwrapping the layers of fearful thinking you have used to protect yourself … usually from feeling something you don’t want to feel. Yet when you open up and let yourself go all the way with your truth, everything changes and you will discover that being open is the pathway to inner peace.

When you choose to open up be prepared to feel things that you have been avoiding or suppressing, be prepared to confront fears and longings that you have been denying and be prepared to discover that what you feared would happen when you open up, usually doesn’t!

In fact, when you open up to yourself and others, others will open up to you. And when there is openness in your communication and relationships, genuine connection and responding occur and you and the other both get outcomes you enjoy.

Choosing to open up is like anything else in the paradigm of I Create The Whole Of My Own Reality … a choice you can make moment by moment because you choose to. And when you choose to open up, you have more choices about how to BE and what to DO so you can HAVE what you truly want.

Love Lorna

Openness doesn’t come from resisting our fears
but from getting to know them well.

Pema Chodron

Be Open

Be Open

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To be open in your communication means to be self-revealing with a willingness to openly show others what you are thinking and feeling. Watch my video to learn the recipe for effective open communication.

Being Open

Being Open

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If this is your first visit, click here to Meet Lorna. To view the full list of video titles click here.

What does it mean to open up and communicate? Explore what being vulnerable means and what it truly means to “open up”. How openly are YOU willing to share?

If You Don’t Ask … You Don’t Get!

If You Don’t Ask … You Don’t Get!

A simple phrase that packs a powerful punch when applied to any relationship communication dynamic. Think about it … if you don’t ask for what you want – openly, honestly, clearly, directly and completely … you have no chance of getting what you actually want in response.

Imagine going to a restaurant and sitting down at a table and expecting the waiter to know what you want without having to say so. Insane behaviour! Yet time and time again you expect someone else (usually one “special” person) to read your mind without you having to say what you really mean … and when “they” don’t get what you mean, you get angry, upset, frustrated and then blame them! Fuelled by fear and sourced in your thinking mind, this insane behaviour goes on all the time and you may not even be aware of it.

First step is to accept that it’s really ok to ask for what you want. Then you need to accept that you may not always get what you want from the first person you ask. And if you are willing to let go and ask again, ask someone else, ask for help … and keep communicating, eventually you will get what you want.

Again … simple and not so easy to do until you accept that you can choose to speak up and ask and share whatever you choose. The key lies in truly being responsible for the response you get and keep communicating until you are complete – ie you get want you want!

During this festive holiday season, remember to ask for what truly matters and enjoy receiving whatever you freely give.

Love Lorna

Ask and you shall receive

Open Up

Open Up

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If this is your first visit, click here to Meet Lorna. To view the full list of video titles click here.

What’s the point of opening up? In this video I explain what amazing things happen when you actually open yourself up.

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