
There’s Magic In The Moments

There’s Magic In The Moments

Here we are again … the start of a new year … a blank canvas of endless possibilities …

And for so many, the delight in painting a picture of your choosing is often overshadowed (once again) by the infernal, internal ego-mind endlessly sorting through a list of what “you should choose because it would be good for you …”

Well, that won’t work out any better than it ever has.

So this year I suggest you do something different and instead of agreeing with the “shoulds” focus instead on WHO you could BE moment by moment.

By letting go of any need to prescribe or control the minute details of everyday life and instead allowing yourself to BE who you choose to BE in each moment of everyday life, you will discover the joy of BEING all that you are while you do whatever you choose to do.

So choose who you wish to BE this year and make it your number one priority every day. It takes rigour and discipline and intention and attention to BEING while you are doing whatever you are moved to do.

And the really cool thing is this, when you fully surrender to BEING all that you are, it really doesn’t matter what you do … and thus you are truly free to do whatever you can imagine, whatever you desire, whatever you want

Because there’s magic in the moments of being.

Love Lorna

We are here to achieve an uplifted mode of being

Marianne Williamson, Illuminata

What Do You Really Want For Christmas?

What Do You Really Want For Christmas?

It’s that time of year again … summer is in the air (in our southern hemisphere) and Christmas is fast approaching.

So what do you want?

When asked that question, many people often experience anxiety and react like a rabbit caught in the headlights … wary, anxious or frozen.

When faced with a blank piece of paper and a pen and the encouragement to write down whatever you want, whatever you can imagine, what do you do?

Do you get scared to dream BIG and ask for what you really want?
Do you hold back, play small and ask for what you feel is appropriate/reasonable/not too much?
Do you say “I don’t know” because you can’t figure out how you are ever going to get what you really want?

Or do you go for it, ask for exactly what you want and open yourself to receive?

The reluctance to ask for what you want is yet another ego-mind control tactic designed to ensure you stay at the effect of your “not-good-enough” thoughts and feelings. The infernal internal critic chants “don’t ask for too much”, “you don’t deserve to have everything you desire” “stop being greedy and selfish” and on and on.

I know, you DO know what you want. And I also know it’s not “stuff” that you really want. It’s love and joy and peace and fun. It’s connection and communication and inspiration and contribution. It’s in BEING who you are that you get to DO and HAVE what you really want … and that’s what you really, really, really want.

Love Lorna

All I want for Christmas is … YOU.

Spiritual Vagabonds

Spiritual Vagabonds

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Do you find yourself on an endless quest for enlightenment when there is nothing or no one that is going to make you better? Watch my video to learn how to lay the spiritual vagabond to rest.

Nothing Matters

Nothing Matters

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Nothing you do or don’t do actually matters! And if nothing matters then everything is up for grabs. In this video I look at living your life without any attachment to anything mattering – an existence of being and allowing.

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