Where Do You Tolerate “Harvey” In Your Life?

Where Do You Tolerate “Harvey” In Your Life?

The Harvey Weinstein expose currently dominating world news has triggered some of my own memories of encounters with men behaving in a sexually inappropriate or downright predatory manner in relationship to me … and my own feelings of shame for attracting such attention and “letting it happen”.

My reluctance to confront what was happening came from a belief that there was no point.
Men behaving this way was tacitly accepted as the “norm” … just stuff that men did for fun or to prove themselves to other men … ”boys will be boys” and all that. Just something I had to avoid or tolerate as a woman.

So I quickly learned to avoid and when that didn’t work, to tolerate and move on. Yet what lingered was a niggling feeling that although I was not to blame, it was about me.

With the insight and power of the paradigm I Create the Whole Of My Own Reality, I can see that I was (and am) responsible. And rather than respond by speaking up, I chose to react by shutting up. I shut up because I felt to blame, I felt wrong and I felt ashamed … so I shutdown.

By not speaking up, by not calling those men to account for behaving in ways that went from not acceptable to downright illegal and immoral, I was tolerating it … and them.

And that’s what’s going on right now in our fear-filled, fear-fueled world. Everywhere I look, I see people reacting out of fear and shutting up rather than responding out of love and speaking up. And all it produces is more of the same.

So I choose to open up and show up and speak up about the things that matter to me. I choose to stop tolerating the intolerable and respond from love. As for Harvey, I send him love and hope that he finds the truth he seeks so that he too can respond to himself and everyone he has impacted with and from love.

What about you?


Love Lorna

It’s Never About The Money!

It’s Never About The Money!

One thing guaranteed to trap you in an endless fear-fuelled, ego-mind whirlpool of infernal, internal self-critical dialogue is a perceived lack/shortage of money.

In fact, there is nothing like the “money conversation” to start a whirlpool of emotional turmoil that has nowhere to go but inward, ever inward …

And yet, it’s NEVER about the money.

No matter how much you want to resist what I am saying and convince me that it really is a lack of money that stops you from being, doing and having what you say you want, I know it’s not about the money.

In the paradigm of cause, money is just a form of energy and as such shows you where your energy is flowing and where it is blocked.  When you decide you want something, then say “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t have it because I don’t have the money” you get to be right. You don’t get to have what you say you want … and you do get to be right … because whatever you believe is true is what you will experience. So every time you say “I can’t …” you are affirming what you believe and you manifest exactly that, the experience of lack, of not enough, of “I cannot …”

This insidious loop is simply another form of the “not good enough” stuff and every time you buy into it, you keep yourself safe from having to confront the whole truth about who you are and what’s actually going on.

And there it is … who you are is powerful beyond measure. Who you are is divine, perfect love. Who you are is able to create and manifest anything you can imagine … if only you would let yourself go there instead of running down the rabbit hole of not good enough when you feel scared.

Remember, feelings are NOT facts … feel the feelings, let go and choose who you want to be and what you want to do and have … then respond to whatever shows up from the paradigm of Love and you’ll discover, it’s never about the money!

Love Lorna

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

Marianne Williamson

Can You Stop Terrorism?

Can You Stop Terrorism?

If you want to create change externally, first you need to make the shift internally.

So what has the external world view of terrorism today got to do with your own internal state?  Have you stopped to consider where and how “terrorism” lives in you?

Well, I have and what I have realised is that I terrorise myself when I agree with my endless infernal, internal, hyper-critical ego-mind! Every time I agree with this internal critic, I terrorise myself with the possibility that I am somehow really in peril … and the feelings of anxiety, fear and terror begin. The behaviour that follows is anything but pretty – closed rather than open, reactive rather than response-able and resisting rather than accepting.

This “home-grown brand of internal terrorism” is insidious, surprising in its ferocity and comes unexpectedly at times. It is the voice within constantly chanting the “not-good-enough” refrain while relentlessly causing you to question your own self-worth and self-value. It’s you agreeing with the thoughts and feelings that you are not okay the way you are, that the world is a frightening place and the best you can do is manage, protect and defend.

Stopping the internal terrorism is not easy and it’s also not hard. It’s just unfamiliar. It requires practice and diligence and rigour. It requires consciously choosing to remember who you really are and who everyone else really is too: magnificent, powerful, lovable, valuable and creative … willing to choose from LOVE rather than fear, willing to respond rather than react, willing to BE bigger than your feelings and thoughts and perceptions and judgements and limitations …

And willing to show up in love even when you feel afraid.

Love Lorna

If you want to make the world a better place,
take a look at yourself and make the change.

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror

Fear Breeds Fear

Fear Breeds Fear

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Fear is very powerful and continues to feed itself and breed itself. In this video I’ll show you an example where creating fear will lead to more fear. Will scaring people and yourself ever work to produce a sustainable outcome or change?

The Mask Game

The Mask Game

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Everybody plays “the Mask Game” – but what is the cost to you to play this game? How would it feel to never have to pretend again?

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